Friday, July 3, 2020

SAY IT: That Little Word of Appreciation Can Go A Long Way

I myself appreciated the tie when it was extended to me by my sister-in-law. She and her husband had gone overseas and had bought this seven-pound-something-shilling neck ornament. It has glistering sky blue woolly squares on deep blue background. I carried my neck with grace on the two occasions I had worn it. This is its third outing.

I had had a mild running stomach. I had met a dead ATM on my attempt to withdraw money. And on top of it all, I had had to frantically struggle to maintain my calm at the roadside for twenty minutes or thereabout waving and barking down the taxi that would go my route. Now in the front seat of the destined cab cooling off, I got stuck in a traffic jam.

“Haven’t I had enough troubles,” I thought.

Then an extrovertish man, just coming down from his parked car, looked over the cab’s window at my treasured tie,

“I like your tie. It’s beautiful!” he opined.
“Thank you every much. Thank you very much.” I was all smiles.

And the aftereffect of the timely comment, which had evaded the attention of my family, friends and colleagues that had seen the tie on me, was very pleasant. It permeated every of my cells and defused all the troubles.

Never can tell the effect of a little act of appreciation you show or the small seed of joy you sow.

You need not be a crack comedian to crush frown; one simple or single compliment might just do.



  1. Simply delightful .More grace sir.

    1. Amen ma/sir. Thank you very much for stopping by. I'm so grateful.
