Saturday, October 24, 2020



3. Let God, the ultimate owner of your child, be the alpha and omega of all your training strategies and schemes. I remembered when our son was in pregnancy, I went on a three-day marathon fasting and prayer retreat to have some time with God over the coming child. He revealed some things to me and I too told him some things about the boy. Now, that the boy has come, at every point of his development, we thank God for things that make us happy and tell him about the changes we want about things that make us unhappy about him..

We often project into his future to get it covered in prayer. The power of a praying parent. Every parent needs this because we are not wrestling against flesh and blood over the destiny of these children. Powers and principalities are involved. So, I can boldly say, The fervent effectual prayer of a righteous mother or father avails much.

4. Make love, and not fear, the driver of your discipline. The child must not see it that if he breaks the rule he will be incurring your wrath. Rather, he should see it that he is breaking your heart and hurting God's feelings. That is the true fear of God. It is not the fear that God will punish him if he does it but that he will be hurting God's feelings. If it is all about not incurring your wrath or rebuke, the child will see himself free once he is no longer under your roof. Look at Joseph! His parents were not there, yet he kept the godly virtue they have implanted in him. Listen to him: How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God. Let your child keep the law because he loves you and God and not because he fears your beating or God's hell fire.

5.  Finally, teach your children the word of God 'diligently'. Every effort must be made or engaged to see to it that we successfully and effectively pass the baton of spirituality, not religiosity, to our children. And at the centre of spiritual training of a child is reading, studying, memorising and meditating on the word of God - Deuteronomy 6: 6 and 7 is our guide at this point. I make sure that personal private reading and meditation on God's word features daily in our roughly 1-hour family devotion. How do I ensure that? There is a feedback mechanism - everybody shares with us after the meditative moment of 10 - 20 minutes. Apart from vibrant family devotion, every medium must be engaged to get the word into them - talk of them [the word] when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest - [electronic, technological, dramatic and musical media and means must definitely be included to help the child internalise the word in this our time and age]. The best medium of Biblical instruction of course is still impacting it through our conduct and comportment.

Friday, October 23, 2020



I cannot be exhaustive within the scope of this discourse. But I will quickly roll out some five points to help us out on this matter:

1. First make the fountain of the good and godly virtues you want to pass across deep in you yourself. If you want to provide water for your immediate family you only need a drum, if for your immediate community you will need a well, but if for a town, you need a dam. So, the more influential you want to be, the deeper your fountain should be. Look at Abraham! He was all over the place with altars. Every new place he got to, he built an altar to God and called on God there. No wonder, Isaac easily called on God at his trying time - when his wife was barren. And the grandson, Jacob, quickly raised an altar of pillar to God, with a solemn vow, when he saw a heavenly vision while sleeping on a pillow of stone. The rule is: fake it, and you will fail in foisting it. You have to first own it before you can bequeath it. Superficial and shallow virtues don't often get transmitted to the next generation.

2. First initiate them into the virtues and over time grow in them the capacity to take the initiative themselves. Every child looks towards his or her parent for direction, don't miss the opportunity. Remember what the scripture says again: train up a child in the way he should go. You must first command the child to do what is right and then come around to explain to him why it is right and you keep encouraging him to do it through your own life's deep fountain of examples and firm correction from time to time.

3. Let God, the ultimate owner of your child, be the alpha and omega of all your training strategies and schemes. I remembered when our son was in pregnancy, I went on a three-day marathon fasting and prayer retreat to have some time with God over the coming child. He revealed some things to me and I too told him some things about the boy. Now, that the boy has come, at every point of his development, we thank God for things that make us happy and tell him about the changes we want about things that make us unhappy about him...

Part 6, the final part, comes up tomorrow

Thursday, October 22, 2020




And Eli's later descendants were honourable priests:

Ahimelech the high priest (1Sam21:1) who was Eli's great grandson (son of Ahitub, son of Phinehas, son of Eli), Abiathar, David's priest and personal friend, (1Sam.23:9; 1Sam30:7) who was Eli's great great grandson (son of Ahimelech), and another Ahimelech, a high position-holding priest that shared with David and Zadok the responsibility of apportioning the priests into their order (1Chron.24:3), who was Eli's great, great, great grandson (son of Abiathar). 

It is noteworthy that although Eli was grossly negligent in building his posterity - two times he was warned to call his children to order, and two times he was nonchalant (1Sam.2:27; 1Sam.3:11-18) - but God was still merciful. Although the consequences still rubbed on the ending of some of these bright spots in his lineage; senior Ahimelech was gruesomely murdered, while Abiathar his son was unceremoniously removed from office. May the mercy of God perfectly speak through us on behalf of many of our parents that have failed in building their posterity through us in Jesus' name.

Now, time will fail us to cover everything under this study, but we can maximise the allotted time to see how one can build enduring godliness in one's children that will keep replicating itself in every succeeding generation in one's lineage.

Listen to what God said concerning Abraham,

For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him - Gen.18:19

That is where I am going! There is a way Abraham brought up his children that God is so sure that even after Abraham might have long left the scene, his children, and I add, children's children... will still continue in it. Prov. 22:6 becomes clearer in this light,

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it - Prov.22:6

So, how do you engrave goodly and godly values in your children so much that it becomes indelible in them and compelling for those they too will be raising. This is our preoccupation...

Part 5 comes up tomorrow

Wednesday, October 21, 2020



Although we often asked where were the children of Moses and why were the children of Eli and that of Samuel, Eli's replacement, bad, a further and deeper study showed they all still had some positive salvaging points in their posterity. 

Here are the sons of Moses:

Now [concerning] Moses the man of God, his sons were named of the tribe of Levi...(1Chron.23:14-17). 

The greatest achievement for Moses was that his children continued to be numbered among the Levites. Fulfilment about posterity is not about forcefully finding positions and openings that God does not give to your children for them, in the name of securing their future. Moses knew God has given the priesthood to Aaron and Aaron's children, and the civil government to Joshua, and he was contented; he worked towards his posterity being godly lineage doing their menial work for the house of God joyfully among the other non-priestly Levites.

Behold these later descendants of Samuel:

And these [are] they that waited with their children. Of the sons of the Kohathites: Heman a singer, the son of Joel, the son of Shemuel [Samuel] - 1Chron.6:33

This Heman is the head of the three chief singers for the house of the Lord (Heman, from the Kohath arm of the levites, at the centre; Asaph, from the Gershom arm of the levites, by his right; and Asaph from the Merari arm of the levites by his left) and he is the grandson of Samuel. It does not stop there. His posterity is to keep ministering in that order. What a great relief and a crown on Samuel's effort. Indeed, children's children are the crown of the old men. So, even if it seems you have done all and your children seem to be toeing Samuel's son's line, don't despair, don't give up, keep building, a Heman is in the offing to salvage your lineage.

Part 4 comes up tomorrow

Tuesday, October 20, 2020



Our concern in this study should therefore be how can we do it that our posterity will constantly and consistently be known for goodly and godly virtues and values; how can we be fulfilled "posterity-wise"? 

This is very necessary because the ultimate desire of God for any marital union producing children has been expressly stated in the scripture. Let's see that divine desire from the Amplified Bible,

And did not God make [you and your wife] one [flesh]? ... And why [did God make you two] one? Because He sought a godly offspring [from your union]... Mal2v15

Whaoh! It doesn't matter what you are doing or not doing in your marriage, if you don't produce godly offspring, that marriage has not fulfilled divine intention. Let your children become doctors, lawyers, engineers, medical lab scientists, and what have you, but if they are godless, you have failed, by God's rating. So, getting your children godly should not be a secondary assignment. It should be your primary assignment. It should even come before their academics or cultural and social integrations. When we leave it to our pastors and the Sunday School teachers, we are shifting our responsibility and we are telling God who has given us the assignment that we are irresponsible.

Often times, we turn the searchlight on minister's children. But this expectation of God is not from ministers' home only. God expects godly seeds from every home, including your home and my home. Leave the minister's home alone and face your own assignment at making your posterity godly posterity. May God help us.

Jehoiada, a recognised high priest of Israel and the first priest to be buried in the tomb of the kings (2Chron.24:15-16) did it. He raised a son with enduring and undeterred godliness like himself. After his death, the king he laboured so much to guide on the path of godliness (2Chron.24:2) derailed, but Jehoiada's son, Zechariah, stood his righteous ground and was put to death for the faith of his father. This his godly seed continued to have a place in the Biblical history to the point that even Jesus himself in the New Testament referred to him as the last Old Testament martyr (2Chron.24:20-22, Luk11:51). May God who helped Jehoiada help us to do it too...

Part 3 comes up tomorrow

Monday, October 19, 2020



The word POSTERITY should not sound big or strange. Let's quickly demystify it by consulting the renowned American educationist, Noah Webster, who believed the Bible should be the foundation for learning. In his 1828's dictionary, the first ever American English Dictionary to be published, he wrote,

POSTER'ITY, n. [L. posteritas, from posterus, from post, after.]

 1. Descendants; children, children's children, etc. indefinitely; the race that proceeds from a progenitor. The whole human race are the posterity of Adam.

So, posterity does not only include your children but your children's children, on and on. I can safely say the sense of posterity picks it up where the direct definition of children stops. No wonder the Bible's definition of a good father has more of posterity in view:

A good [man] leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: Prov.13:22

That is, you are not yet a good man, according to heaven's rating, if the good and godly inheritance you leave ends with or is exhausted by your first generation children. I love another Proverb's comparison between children and children's children:

Children's children [are] the crown of old men; and the glory of children [are] their fathers. Prov.17:6

Let me take some liberty to do a paraphrase: your children celebrating you is good, but it should not get into your head until you can see that they are "crowning" your efforts by transmitting the same virtues and values you put in them into their own children. That makes you a man with posterity in view.

And even when you have succeeded over your children's children, posterity has just begun. Don't forget Webster's definition, "indefinitely." 

Our concern in this study should therefore be how can we do it that our posterity will constantly and consistently be known for goodly and godly virtues and values; how can we be fulfilled "posterity-wise"? This is very necessary because the ultimate desire of God for any marital union producing children has been expressly stated in the scripture. Let's see that divine desire from the Amplified Bible...

Part 2 comes up tomorrow

Tuesday, October 6, 2020



The world is full of abracadabra men

The more you look at them

The less you understand of them


They preach, teach and counsel

And the whole picture of things looks 

Practicable and down to earth

But don’t be surprised

They’ll be the first defaulter

Of the outlaid principle

They preach but practice not 


During the day, stupendously good 

But in the night, horrendously wicked 

Mr. Pius in the open

Workers of iniquity in the secret 

Why, at the end of the ages 

You will not understand

When though you hope the Righteous Judge

Would bid them, ‘Welcome, good servant’

He says to them, ‘Depart from me,

'I know you not'

Abracadabra still in eternity!

Indeed you are

What you are

When no eyes pry

Friday, October 2, 2020



God made man to have dominion. Yet, the first instruction He gave him is "Be Fruitful!"

You won't have dominion until first of all the seed in you comes to fruition. That seed in you must first bear fruits. Then we can start thinking of dominion. And there is no one in life without seed of potentials. 

We are so loaded with abilities and skills, both inborn and learned ones. A man of God said that each of us has at least 500 abilities. The pity is that majority of them we so overlook till they became wasted and unproductive seeds. I have often said that the cooking skill you overlook is what is making someone to be an employer of labour controlling and influencing lives all around her. 

The first instruction towards man's dominion is "be fruitful". What seed of ability is in you up to a commercial value, what ability in you do you know that if you can develop it and deploy it, it will key you into your path to ascending your throne of dominion? It is time to arise and work on it.

And when I say work on it, you and I know that no sowing comes easy. Even the Bible says that they that bear precious seed weepeth as they go to sow it - Psa. 126:6. You must sow in sweat and tears to reap in refreshment and joy. It will cost you your resources. You will have to spend your money and time to get proficient enough in that ability because if you don't develop it, you will not be able to drink from it. 

You may have to let go of fun and moment of pleasure. You may have to reduce your gisting time, your facebook and whatsApp browsing time, your sleeping time, your eating expenses. All for the sake of making this your seed of talent, gift, ability or anointing to come up to the level of being able to bear fruit towards ascending your throne of dominion.

Why are you so complacent? Why sit down there till you die. Apostle John says in John 12:24 that except that seed falls to the ground, it will abide alone. You must get that seed to the good ground where stones of laziness and carefreeness have been removed, where thorns of cares of life have been burnt, and where a fence against roadside steps of negative public opinions has been errected. You must arise and get that your skill and ability developed enough to add value to your life.

A youth leader said recently that with N6000 as his salary, being an NCE holder, he saw himself through a 5-year degree programme in which he was paying sixty-something thousand naira per session. This made his salary to increase to N12,000. He did not stop there. With that he got married and got himself through a masters programme in which he paid N150,000 as school fees. He moved forward because he was determined to make his teaching skill get developed to the point it can add value towards his fulfilling destiny.

Oh, brother, your excuse is too much. Don't allow excusitis, inflammation and proliferation of excuses, to excuse you from taking your place in destiny. Rouse yourself as a man, roll up your sleeves and get your hands to work on making your abilities fruitful. 

God has made you loaded, you will not die wretched in Jesus' name. Your potential will speak for you in high places in Jesus' name. 

Friday, September 18, 2020



The story goes of a forgetful man 

Looking for cure  for a forgetful mind 

At last he hears of a strong medicine man

Recommended to him by many mouths 

He travels seven forests and seven seas 

Till he comes to a lonely forest 

The abode of the renowned witchdoctor 

The sought-for gives the seeker 

A fetish like goblin’s gourd 

Plugged in the mouth with cuckoo’s quills 

The seeker to spread the content 

Like condiment on his comestibles 

Having given a praise-bath 

And a shower of thanks to the forest wizard 

His nose leads the way home 

His feet follow excitedly 

After hundreds of footsteps of his 

Long enough to recognize them on the crackling leaves 

He hears some fast footfalls behind 

And close to the speed of light he turns around 

He is faced with a familiar figure 

Almost catching up with him 

Baba regains his strength 

After panting for what seems like ages 

And these words come out of his mouth 

‘My son, I’m sorry It escaped my mind to tell you

That the gourd must not sit on the ground’ 

The addressed son opened his mouth, no energy to close 

‘This is meant to cure forgetfulness,’ he thought aloud 

But here is the giver falling prey to forgetfulness

So everyone forgets after all!’ 

Man’s petition to God should ever be: 

May I not forget what I should remember 

Nor remember what I should forget 

And God’s admonition to man has always been: 

Forget your past and forge ahead 

But remember your future and plan ahead 

Monday, September 14, 2020



An average Jew believes there are three heavens: 1st heaven, 2nd heaven and 3rd heaven. 

The first heaven is the earth's atmosphere (the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth). It is also called firmament (Gen. 1:7,8). 

[7] And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. [8] And God called the firmament HEAVEN. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 

The second heaven is the outer space or the rest of the Milky Way solar system comprising the sun, the planets, their moons and the spaces in-between them as can be seen from the earth. 

In addition, the second heaven also includes all the other solar systems (each complete with its sun, seen as star from the earth, and a body of planets) apart from the Milky Way solar system of which our planet Earth is a member.

That is the heaven first mentioned in the Bible (Gen.1:1). 

[1] In the beginning God created the HEAVEN and the earth.

As can be seen from the scriptural references, the two heavens mentioned so far  are created and are therefore not eternal. 

But the third heaven is not created. It is eternally the habitation of God and His holy angels. 

This is the spiritual heaven and the dream of every child of God. 

Apostle Paul said that he was caught up to that third heaven which he also later called Paradise and there heard unspeakable words (2 Cor. 12:2-4). 

[2] I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third HEAVEN. [3] And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) [4] How that he was caught up into PARADISE, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

That is the heaven every child of God should set his or her mind on. From this uncreated and eternal heaven, the new (or heavenly) Jerusalem will emerge as the headquarters of the new heaven (sky) and new earth (Rev. 21:1-2).

[1] And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. [2] And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of HEAVEN, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Every human being on earth should desire to be with God in that eternal and beautiful heaven. And the way is so easy:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).


Saturday, September 5, 2020




Segun was at the dining table waiting for the meal. He was beginning to grow rather impatient. Every other thing was set on the table except the food itself. 

The spoon and the knife lay supinely on the table-mat to his right while their counterpart, the fork, lay low in preparation for action on the left. The sweating bottled water fizzled at the top beside a scrupulously clean glass. Even the toothpicks were stacked in their container like Joseph's standing sheaves. But the food was missing.

After five more minutes the food finally arrived. 

It was rice and stew garnished with a lot of beef. No sooner was it placed than Segun grabbed the spoon and buried it into the profusely steaming rice. Though the eyes were suggesting the food was very hot, his stomach would not want to wait a second longer. In no time a spoonful of the rice landed on his tongue and all hell was let loose. 

His mouth danced wildly and his tongue recklessly. It was uneasiness all over. Quickly, his lips made an O-vent in-between them to suck in air continuously. The bloated grains knocked about in his buccal cavity for some time before their eventual cooling off to make the onward journey to the gullet. But not without leaving a permanent mark in the cavity – a burnt tongue and a scathed palate.

As he nursed his wound, the old man, his server, came to the dining room and sat on the chair at the narrow edge of the table, opposite him. He gave him a stern look for a moment and then asked,

‘Your wound, whose fault? I that brought the food or you that took the food? Whose fault, Segun? Whose fault? Whose fault...'

Segun long closed eyes popped suddenly from the REM and alarm was written all over him in his reclined position on the three-seater. He stealthily arose and got his mind stormed with the dream and its obvious interpretation. Impatience kept jingling his upstairs bells. No doubt he had been impatient in many things.

‘Old man, the fault's mine, not yours. It's mine!'

The clouds gathered in his eyes and when fully loaded, another round of showers was delivered on his laps. 

The swelling emotions tugged his legs and straightway he fell on his knees to weep in the bosom of his Lord. He cried passionately for mercy. 

And how he found peace with his maker!

(Culled from More Haste by Abiodun Soretire)

Friday, August 28, 2020



 The aspect I found most interesting in his speech was that we would be boarding. 

Whaoh! I've never been a boarder all through my education thus far. Here is my golden opportunity to have a taste of the pudding. I grabbed it with both hands. A life away from parent! My curiosity had the better of me. And I got Mama Sho, that is, my mother, informed. Of course, my longing for freedom away from her was edited out of my presentation. Thank God, she had no objection.

God worked in mysterious ways! I went to Eweje looking for freedom from parental encumbrances. But He had a better deal for me.

Eweje was an experience indeed. It will need another memoir to recount that side of my life. But I will have to stay with the brief of this memoir. I was a nominal Christian for the greater part of Eweje episode. I lived my Goje life of student fun to the fullest within the first four or five months of our pilgrimage. 

Being together as students in a dormitory all through the day and night could not promise anything less. The experience was better than the one I could have had in a secondary school boarding house. Here, there was no housemaster, no light out and no other signs of externally regimented life. Apart from lecture and agric practical periods, we were f-r-e-e!

It was in short some sort of a tertiary hostel. We fended for ourselves, food and cooking inclusive. And that comes at times with "kre" moments: moments of short or stall in supply as my pastor will call it. And we were very creative in managing such situations. 

Have you ever heard of jollof Eba? It was there I came across and got involved in its preparation and consumption. The recipe is simple. Just put ground, grated or cut pepper (any pepper will do) in a pot of water. Add palm oil, salt and diced onion if that is available. Heat the concoction to boiling. It is time to put your gaari and turn it to a cream. Yours sincerely, there you are with jollof Eba ready to be taken without meat or soup. But please, eat it while still fresh and hot. At times, when we get buoyant, courtesy of fresh supply from the headquarters, Mama Sho in my own case, our pots get a feel of soup.

And as for animal protein, we don't go too far. It is either "tapa-titan" or "mortal". I will explain before you crucify me for using foreign lingo from the Mars. "Tapa-titan" is the "technical" jargon for the head and legs of chicken which have been cut off from the chicken sold or supplied to eateries and hotels. We were there as the waste management agents to mop up the head and legs into our pot at "shikini" money. But, "Mortal" is the senior of "Tapa-titan". These are the chickens that have just freshly died from the poultry around. We were always on time to take delivery of them at a ridiculously reduced price. Whatever killed the bird is none of our business. Even if it is bird flu. Let it go and be explaining itself to the boiling water if it can. Whenever we "jam" such luck, it will be festivities for us and our pot. We tried inventing another animal protein from the abundance of strange sounding, smelling and looking bats living between the roof and ceiling of our dormitory. The adventure was a failure. Those bats tasted horrible, just like their sound, sight and smell.

The only aspect of Eweje life I hated was the "face your arable" part. Cutting grass or clearing farm would never come easy for me considering my build and background. Even if suburban, I had lived in the city all the while.

Eweje life sped on with speed, to be cut short three months to go with an admission offered me by Ogun State Polytechnic. But it was not meant to end uneventful with respect to my spiritual life.

All along, a man usually came to our dormitory to spend long hours with us discussing football and politics. He was so versed in many fields that one could be tempted to label him a living encyclopaedia. We called him Booda Tunji. That was all I would have known about him but for two or so months to packing my bags and baggage out of Eweje when I discovered this was my destiny helper in waiting. 

Booda Tunji was neither a football analyst nor a politician. Here was the committed and word-of-God-rich pastor of the only Pentecostal church in the immediate neighbourhood using one of the school's deserted dormitories for their services. It was an interesting discovery as I sat with my mouth agape watching the hitherto football analyst ministered as a guest minister in a church where many of us students had been invited to for this their special programme.

The sleeping born-again giant in me instantly awoke. Indeed, the deep would definitely call unto the deep. Automatically, I gave his church a try. And that was it. My spiritual life has found a breeding ground. In no time the divine destiny that has brought Booda Tunji and I together transformed our togetherness into a mentor-mentee relationship. And so it is till date.

Friday, August 14, 2020



I used to be a nice boy that grew up to follow my mother, who had us, five children, in her custody and care, having been separated from our four-and-a-half-wifed father after many rivalry world wars, to a white garment church.

I mean I was nice. I had only one girlfriend, Bernice. She used to be Basirat but a convert from a non-white garment Christian denomination christened her such on assuming the duty of taking us the young ones Sunday school.

Bernice was a tall, fair-complexioned, beautiful girl with inviting smile always playing around the corners of her mouth as if she had some food bit there. I think a pair of dimples completed the profile of her beautiful face.

My girlfriend being one was not the main thing that gave me the impression that I was nice. It was my keeping sex out of the whole affair.

 But I was not totally innocent: I craved and sometimes created occasions that our walking together would lead us to some dark corner or another so we could quickly play a fast one about necking and petting before any hapless passer-by interrupted.

With respect to sex, I used to tell her: 

“You know I’m a child bred well in the norms and nuances of the elders, I will not want us to taste the forbidden fruit until we are married.” 

And she would smile her concession. Though I usually had a feeling that if I had demanded the illicit sex she would have obliged me. 

Between you and me, my presented reason before her for the abstinence was not the whole truth. The other part was partially fear – I’ve never done it before, what if pregnancy results, God's anger factor – and partially an unconfirmed concern that my “boyhood” size might be a disappointment. Of course, I kept that to myself.

In the midst of that relationship, I got born again. But the cord was too strong for me to break.

When the passion got the better of me and I could not resist this beautiful face, our necking and petting episode involuntarily played out. My grief became great thereafter.  It became great. Really great. Its conclusion: the end of a born-again period. 

Days or weeks after, when another altar call opportunity came, that was the forum for me to enter another born-again phase. Ignorance or deception, I wouldn’t know: I felt rededication would not be potent enough.

I actually tried some means to separate from this beautiful temptation. I created distance. But I can’t deceive you. Rather than her matter waning in our away period, it would actually ferment. And when we eventually met, this lust would brew to overflowing. An end to another born-again era was in sight.

My understanding opened and I discovered I am bereft of God's word and uplifting fellowship with brethren. 

I discussed with Mom to let me be attending a Bible-believing church. Of course I got the red light hey presto. She said: “You can’t leave ..., it's a glorious church”. It was a glorious church indeed. In fact, people will say, "You will see glory without getting to..."

Service starts on Sunday by ten ‘o’ clock. Many of us will turn in by eleven, that is, we the early comers. That was because my mother was among the faithful ones: we put our white garment on from home, meaning our bare feet were spoiling for punishment from the heating macadamised road covering the greater part of our twenty-minute walk from home to the base of the church mountain. 

Some others would wait till they had scaled the one-hundred-and-twenty-three-stepped stairs' hurdle of the church mountain before they got to remove their shoes and transformed from mufti to the “holy garment.”

Yes. We resumed service ten ‘o’ clock and the worship could extend to two or three in the afternoon. A lot of items found their ways into the programme but top on the list was singing and dancing. Even outside the denomination we were known for that. We are singers and dancers.

 When praises are high and mood follows in the trail, spontaneous visitations from the realm of the spirit become the order of the day. Prophetesses and prophets are sighted here and there jumping up, raising one leg, rolling on the floor, gyrating backwards and displaying many other manifestations of the spontaneous spirit possession.

Our service did even accommodate chairmanship competition. Well, that was a creative way of raising money for the church. A male is invited forward and seated on one side as the “chairman” and a female is equally invited forward and seated on the other side as the “chairwoman”. Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for flexing of financial muscles between the menfolk and the womenfolk of the church. 

Not that we do not have a time for sermon. But the content and context of such sermons had not been able to convict or convince me in my spiritual pilgrimage. But Mom could not see that. I didn’t expect her to. She was an unrepentant faithful that always saw the best in the church; a prophetess of repute.

Do we really hold Bible study? Honestly, my memory is a pitch blackness on that. So, I continued wobbling and fumbling in my Christian race. 

The only place of real spiritual contact for me being once-in-a-week school fellowship; not the general all-comers fellowship during the school hour. This fellowship was after the school hours and few of us with thirsty souls were being ministered to weekly by a mature Christian brother that looked a deeper lifer. That was the place of altar call opportunity I earlier referred to.

My instability continued through my secondary school days.

It was an unusual way of taking care of temptation. Permit me to call it "rumour of war" method. 

You should remember the story in the Bible where God made an invading king to hear only a rumour of war and he had to abandon his mission and voted with his feet. Who would not? Just a rumour of war led to the death of one hundred and eighty five thousand soldiers in one night. I'm sure if I were in his shoes I would not want to wait to see the real war when just a rumour of it has done so much damage.

It was a rumour I heard too that forcefully disengaged me from my ungodly engagement. Up to today, it remained a rumour. I never bothered to confirm it.

A little bird told me that my lust-entangled mistletoe, Bernice, was caught red-handed in a love-tangle with another boy in the church who was our age mate but not my acquaintance. It was under the roof of our spiritual asylum building, Ile Aabo, they were seen to be committing such sacrilege. 

That did it. Nay, I mean, that undid it. Indeed jealousy was as strong as death. This jealousy forced me to die! I had to die. Yes, I had to die to this sin stronghold once and for all. 

Imagine, the one for whom we engage ourselves in fasting to save from predicament setting his table outside having a gourmet lunch. It was painful I allowed the perfecting of my salvation dragged for what was not worth it. 

Even though I didn't jump on a fact-finding mission immediately or thereafter, I instantly saw my folly. If I had died in the sin-struggle of not letting go of her, then I would have been forced by the cold hands of death to let her go anyway and, in addition, face the pangs of hell all alone. 

I came to my senses like the biblical prodigal son and finally let go.

If my memory would not be failing me, not too long after, I wrapped up my secondary education in Lantoro High School. 

But just before we dropped our pen, we had a destiny visitor to the school. 

It was the principal of one Odeda Farm Institute, Eweje. He had come on an awareness campaign of a one-year general agriculture course in his Institute for secondary school leavers like us.

God worked in mysterious ways! I went to Eweje looking for freedom from parental encumbrances. But He had a better deal for me...

(Culled from This Christian Race

Thursday, August 6, 2020

BUMPY ACCUSATION: When your reputation is on the line

I was accosted by a woman who happened to be an usher in the assembly that hosted our last combined service.

 Some things went wrong in the combined service, part of which was the boycott of duty by the district (combined) ushers. It was at the ministers' meeting that followed that many of us got to know the reason for such action. They were protesting the lassitude of the ushers from that assembly towards district functions. I got to know of it, like many other ministers, at that ministers' meeting.

But this is how the woman accused me:

‘I heard you were the one who raised it at the ministers' meeting that the district ushers chose not to support us at the combined service because we don’t participate in activities that combine the ushers in the district.’

You can imagine my anger! I was literally boiling.

 But do I really need it? 

When we are wrongly accused, what should be our reaction and action? Just before that…


God reckons that man possesses essentially four things: his life, his home, his properties (which are basically food, clothing and shelter) and his name. He therefore promulgated laws to protect them in the Ten Commandments,

Commandment 6 – Thou shall not kill – to protect the sanctity of life

Commandment 7 – Thou shall not commit adultery – to protect the sanctity of home

Commandment 8 – Thou shall not steal – to protect the sanctity of property

Commandment 9 – Thou shall not bear false witness – to protect the sanctity of reputation (or name)

And anything that will rob man of any of these, God takes very seriously and will punish – 1 Pet.4:15. 

False accusation damages a person’s name. And God hates it with passion. If man can punish it under laws such as libel and defamation, God will do much more. So, God charges us to always prove all things - 1 Thess. 5:21


Your reputation has been having a very smooth ride all around town. So, you feel you are a good driver. 

Suddenly, a bump comes into view. That is when your driving skill is put to the real test. That false accusation is the bump. And here are a few tips on how to go over it:

1. Apply the break – we will always overreact when we act on first impulse. Yoruba have an adage: you don’t row your boat violently because the waves of the sea are breaking violently.

They mounted pressure on Jesus to speak at once but He didn’t allow them to rush Him into it, John 8:3-6. When He eventually spoke, everyone spoiling for a fight instantly ran out of steam, John 8:7-9. 

When we calm it, we are better collected and our words or deeds will be better convincing. Steam burns and hurts but when it is calmed and collected, it becomes the purest form of water for drinking.

2. Match the clutch – it is always necessary to do some soul-searching before firing any salvo. In fact, that is what the foregoing step should prepare you to do. 

There can be no smoke without fire. As much as possible, trace the fire, then you will be able to know whether it is a misrepresentation, misinterpretation or quoting out of context that is responsible for the smoke.

I discovered mine almost a bit too late. It was because I spoke in defence of the ushers at a point in the heat of the minister’s meeting debate.

Such verification of the facts in your heart will help you to decide what to do with the accuser and the accusation.

3. Select the gear – this is the action-end. This should happen when the eventual products of your thoughts have been made to pass through the scrutiny of the Holy Spirit, your greatest counsellor in this matter. 

So, depending on the Holy Spirit, you might just have to educate the accuser or debunk the accusation as a rumour in its entirety. But one thing I’m sure of is He will never send you to fight anyone. 

What of false accusation that has spread like wildfire? Tell everyone who cares to know the truth and leave the rest to God.

The Pharisees paid and supported the soldiers to peddle the rumour that Jesus was stolen from the grave by his disciples (Matt. 28:11-15) but today, millions of people know the truth. 

The God who has always been protecting your life when you cannot is always at work to preserve your name and will handle those trying to drag your name in the mud Himself.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

TONGUE-TIED: A Dumb Preacher

The journey was from Sagamu to Abeokuta in a commercial bus.

I had the nudge, nay the pressing, to preach the Gospel to the passengers. I made a mess of it. No thanks to Mr. Inertia.

I would want to open my mouth, but fear would almost immediately slap it shut.

Fear of what? That the passengers would beat me up or shout me down? That they would not listen to me or give their life to Jesus? That the message may not be interesting or I may get stuck midway not knowing what more to say? That the driver may start the car tape or some passengers may start some annoying conversation to antagonise or distract me? I don't know.

I don’t know what I was afraid of. Simply, it was fear of the unknown. And that was the tool inertia used to hold me dumb when I should be found speaking for my Lord.

It was getting more and more embarrassing. I was feeling more and more guilty. Minutes ticked further and further away. And the bus covered more and more distance.

I needed to act fast. I devised a method.

I sighted one of the roadside palm trees afar off and decided that immediately the bus got to that part of the road I would suddenly open my mouth and speak, damning fear and all its siblings.

Perfect plan. Well laid out.

In no time the bus got there. Quickly, I opened my mouth. Alas, no voice came out. Fear was faster, it had caught up with me again.

No problem, I would be faster this time around.

I picked another palm tree target. Now better prepared to open my mouth immediately we touched the finish line of my target.

We breasted the tape as expected, I more quickly opened my mouth! Yes, the voice was coming, from the inside! Hallelujah! It would soon come out:


That was all I could say, nay, utter, and my mouth immediately stopped and shuttered its intention.

This fear was a good sprinter. It had outrun and overrun me again.

I tried again and again but it never got better than that. I watched with a heavy heart as passengers disembarked at Abeokuta deprived of the message I had been sent to deliver to them.

Blood, pints of blood on my neck! Lord, have mercy.

(Culled from This Christian Race by Abiodun J. Soretire)

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

BEWARE OF THE PROPHET’S INTERPRETATION: What to Know Just Before You Visit That Prophet


Today, many people run to prophets to see a vision for them. But just before you do that please read this:

And now I [Paul] am going to Jerusalem, drawn there irresistibly by the Holy Spirit, not knowing what awaits me, except that the Holy Spirit has told me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead – Acts 20:22,23 (TLB)

Now let’s move to the next chapter,

These disciples [Tyre local believers] warned Paul – the Holy Spirit prophesying through them – not to go to Jerusalem – Acts 21:4 (TLB)

Contradictions! How can the Holy Spirit draw him irresistibly to Jerusalem in one chapter and in the next He is telling him not to go! Is the Spirit contradicting Himself? No, God forbid! It is those who are interpreting His message that are contradicting one another. And that is what those who run from one prophet to another get – contradictions of interpretation. That is even if the prophets are genuine ones. Fake ones will give an entirely different one.

The number one discipline a Christian should learn to cultivate is the discipline of knowing how God speaks to him regularly. It can be as profound as an audible voice or as commonplace as an inner witness in the spirit. Whatever it is, know that God always want to speak to you personally.

And once that is settled then the ministry of the prophets becomes clearer – they confirm what God has communicated.

Paul could not be confused because God has personally communicated to him His mind. So, when the prophecy came, though wrongly interpreted, the prophets could not convince him to do otherwise.

That the prophet sees danger on your way does not automatically mean God does not want you to embark on the journey. He might just want you to be a bit more careful or prayerful. So, you must know the mind of God for your life yourself.

Note, Paul went to Jerusalem indeed and was almost lynched but God delivered him [and even assured him He was with him], Acts 21: 30-33; 23:10-11. Eventually, the ordeals that followed led to Paul's ministry being expanded to Rome and beyond. Indeed, all things work together for good to them that love God, who are called according to His purpose.

- TLB – The Living Bible

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

3 WRAPS OF EBA: A Short Prose Narrative on Communication Gap in Marriage

Segun was in the sitting room overcome in two parts. 

The physical and mental exhaustion induced by the rigors of maintaining two jobs a day was the first part. He was a teacher at both a public secondary school and an evening private coaching centre. His work schedule was usually rounded off by six o' clock.

The other part of the exhaustion was emotional. He was fuming at the reception his wife threw at him. 

It was his first day out to work after their wedding. AY had answered his homecoming compliments from the bedroom. She would not bother coming out. And when he endured it and composed himself to demand his right of food, the mistress's response shocked him the more. Without apology she threw instructions at him,

‘Get to the kitchen and check the blue warmer, the wraps of Eba are there. Help yourself to the soup. I really need this sleep so badly.'

His little remaining strength drained from him instantly. He dropped into one of the three armchairs – the one closest to the main door. With head lolled forward and propped on the arms, he fumed in silence like a bottled acid. 

'I have a wife, home since morning. Thanks to her leave. Yet no set table. Not even a warm welcome to rub off the day's demand. Sleep has engaged her in a more important assignment. Imagine! I should go to the kitchen and dish out my food myself! My own self! What does she take me for? Her child? Naughty girl. 

The devastation had taken a toll on him for two hours already. Lassitude now drowned him in the sofa anger had floored. 

It was a quarter past eight. AY was having a sweet sleep on her matrimonial bed. She turned her side unconsciously. Her sleeping lips moved and muttered some undecipherable words for a long second before they were sealed again – a strange reflex for an adult, much less a female adult. Certainly, she was in the middle of some dream.

Back in the sitting room, Segun was still lying on the couch. He was lost in thought, oblivious of the darkness that had crept into the room. Visibility was difficult but then his sight was not here but there, in the mind. The silhouette of shapes and figures in the room, imposed by the protracted power cut of Power Holdings, the Nigerian electricity authority, cried for illumination from a lantern at the very least. Segun's mind was too preoccupied. Out of mind. Out of sight.

‘Tolu was right.’

He was thinking about the torrents of thoughts that always bedevilled him and sapped his strength dry whenever he was in a sulk. 

Just then AY walked into the sitting room quietly and carefully. With her right hand she scrambled for the way until the hand came to rest on the arched back of the two-seater. Her hands ran the arch through its length until she got to the far end of the sofa, opposite the kitchen door. She did not bother to call out to her husband. The absence of the lantern light had its usual conclusion; her man had either slept off on the rug or in one of the sofas.

In the kitchen, she located a box of matches and the lantern. She struck four sticks successively and failed. Each time, the reddish brown spark substance produced flame but the attached uncooperative stem stifled it almost immediately.

‘Ah! Niger! Nothing is of quality again. Gone are the days of the popular and effective triple-picture match boxes,' she breathed her frustration. 

She was lucky on the fifth attempt. Quickly she suspended the transparent glass globe with the side-lever and torched the lantern's wick with the flame. The globe released. The flame regulated. Something told her to check the blue polystyrene food container. Her eyes popped when she saw the three wraps of eba, a food made from boiled and creamed grains of cassava, intact. 

She instantly knew she was in for trouble. What has she done wrong. She started some self-probe. 

For some five minutes, her legs would not agree with her heart on presenting herself at the sitting room for the obvious subpoena. Her eyes surveyed the kitchen aimlessly but vigorously, like the proverbial ear-cut thief. At last she summoned up the courage and advanced towards the sofa-and-electronic-gadgetry room, albeit slowly. 

The light led the way she sluggishly followed. Then she lowered her eyes on the sofa for three. There lay her beloved. He turned in a reflex towards the infiltrating light and his eyes looked horrible when AY zoomed in on them. She has jumped into the river already, fearing the cold now is useless. Though the grim face was highly repellent she drew closer and closer to it. Then she did what she never in her wildest dream thought she would do: she sank to her knees before her cross partner. Her tender hands seduced him to forgive while her mouth quickly laid out her reason.

‘Sweetheart, I'm very sorry. It was not intentional. I was having some headache. So, I took Panadol and a nap to help me up.'

Segun was floored. His seething was stilled instantly, like the soup in an aluminium pot. One pleasant thought made a mockery of him.

‘Women, so powerful! What is it they want they won't get!'

He got up, sat up, helped her up and tendered a complementary apology.

‘I'm sorry too. We are still learning to understand each other. But it cannot go without saying that communication builds a strong home. I wouldn't have felt offended if you had included a sentence or two about your headache in your welcoming words. I would have even forgotten about the food, come around to the bedroom and stroke your hair. And the anointing in my hand would have cast off the intruding headache.'

She beamed. ‘I'm sorry sweetheart. I will take note. But it's not too late for the stroking.' She feigned an headache, ‘I'm still feeling the headache.'

The now love-drunken husband readjusted his posture, like a pastor swinging his shoulders to feel a newly-given designer suit.

‘Makaru ma tarasmiku!' the man of God was in the spirit as his hands descended on the pick-and-drop braids.

AY responded promptly like one being delivered; she wriggled and jerked from head to waist.

‘Ah! Man of God, I feel like falling!.'

‘Maskarururi! Fall! Fall! Fall!'

He tipped her head and she fell, like a pack of Whot cards, on his lap.

‘You are an unusual deliveree; you should fall on your back and not forwards. The presence of your head on my lap is tempting. Get up and let me re-deliver you! Looska!'

How they both laughed at the well-acted home-grown drama. 

AY eventually served the eba with okra soup. They ate their fill amidst teasing and pulling of legs. The drama then proceeded to the bedroom. It was a night to remember.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

TAKING STEPS: Things You Must Know to Achieve Your Goals

Life's First Steps
Intense pleasure perfumes the robust mother’s face as she eagerly encourages her son with her beckoning hands. The 100cm-space between the mother and her son was premeditated; just enough for the kid to bridge in the first real assignment for his feet.

‘Will he, will he not?’ the question pounds the mother’s heart.

A minute and a half of beckoning, and plenty ‘Come to mummy,’ then it happens. With outstretched arms like a tightrope walker, the son takes his first shaky step. In the recent past, he had taken such first steps only to return to the lotus position on the ground. The second stride is what counts.

‘Will he weather the storm this time around?’ the Mama looks on with the keenest of interest.

Presently, he struggles with balance and after a while he finds his feet. His right leg rises in the air and lands, the second step. The mother’s heart pumps blood in pints. She unconsciously etches the finish line by an inch or two in exultant restlessness. The other steps follow in quick succession and then he falls but into his mother’s waiting arms.

The overjoyed Mama instantly lifts her baby high into the air in a motherly pride. The victorious son, on top of the world, must be feeling in his little brain:

‘Yes, I made it.’

Really, how many of us do often give our heavenly Father cause for such joy and pride? It is not just about great leaps but goal-getting strides.

Goals, long or short-termed, are achieved only when the goal-setter becomes a goal-getter. And the distance between goal-setting and goal-getting can be covered in steps - movement. Not just movement, but appropriate, timely and goal-driven movement. Such movement must have the following characteristics:


Hear the Living Bible rendition of the eleventh verse of chapter nine of the book of Ecclesiastes,

Again I looked throughout the earth and saw that the swiftest person does not always win the race, nor the strongest man the battle, and that wise men are often poor, and skilful men are not necessarily famous; but it is all by chance, by happening to be at the right glace at the right time.

Whaoh! That is a powerful revelation. You must happen to be at the right place at the right time. Some blessings are just on time bomb; you miss the timing, you miss the blessing. Have you ever heard remarks like,

‘Oh! Sorry, if you had been here five minutes earlier you would have gotten it. I just gave it to that man that just left when you entered now.’

Meanwhile you remembered you stopped somewhere along the way to exchange pleasantries with someone for about ten minutes. How would you feel? Terrible! The time bomb had exploded and the blessing is gone, an event overtaken by time. Just because you stopped to greet elaborately!

Brethren, there are some times we will not need to greet in the pursuit of our goal for it might constitute a distraction,

 ...and salute no man by the way Luke 10:4

This is Jesus giving instruction to his disciples. What a deep sense of urgency this depicts. Time is life. I read an article many years ago and it says, ‘Time is life and you can’t waste one without wasting the other.’

Keep moving. Yes? Don’t stop moving. Martin Luther King Jnr, said, ‘Fly if you can, but if you can’t fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. And if you can’t walk, crawl. Whatever it is, just make sure you are moving.’ There is an adage in my language: the snail insisted on climbing a tree and it did, because its tongue was stuck to it.

A popular songwriter said: if you are going through hell, don’t stop. He is very correct. There is no bus stop in hell. If you stop there you are stopping at obstruction; you may get hit, charged or kidnapped. Yes, get help if you need to, but never stop. Keep making headway.

A man of God wanted to quit ministry out of frustration. That same night he slept and had a dream. He saw himself attempting to break down a rock with a sledge hammer. After several attempts with no single sign of a crack in the rock, he wanted to quit. Just then a strange fellow appeared to him and told him to try one more time. He reluctantly heeded and hit the rock one more time. Voilà! The rock came crumbling down. He would have missed it at the nick of breakthrough. Remember the cliché: winners never quit, and quitters never win.

I heard of a notable global businessman who said every failure edges them closer to success by helping them discover another way they ought not to do it. Learn from failure to forge ahead, don’t lean on it to hang your head.

Keep moving I say, but make every step meaningful. Let every stride be a move in the positive direction. No beating about the bush. Remember you are not going to be here all day long. As your hairs are numbered so are your days. Therefore make every step count. Do what you can do while you can still do it but ensure you are doing it right.

And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. Luke10v41,42

That brings us to the most salient point here, the God-factor. This journey through life is so complex and everything looks so muddled up that it takes God to separate the right from the good and the needful from the useful.

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient; all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. I Cor. 10:23

So, what is the way out of the world-sized maze then?

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Ps. 37:23

That is it! Allowing God to lead the way is the way to go. Like David (I Sam.23:1-14), you must be an ardent inquisitor from the Lord, taking direction from Him on “per-second” billing. If He orders the steps, he will take delight in the way the steps are leading. And this is the ultimate result:

When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Prov.16:7

The enemy is easily taken out of the way for one’s efforts to be abundantly fruitful and one’s goal to the easily achieved. In short, all your brilliant steps and wonderful efforts can go down the drain in a moment of opposition, if this God-factor is taken for granted. Have your forgotten the cliché: man proposes, but God disposes. So, I submit, we must put God first, else we stand the risk of losing all.

Friday, July 3, 2020

SAY IT: That Little Word of Appreciation Can Go A Long Way

I myself appreciated the tie when it was extended to me by my sister-in-law. She and her husband had gone overseas and had bought this seven-pound-something-shilling neck ornament. It has glistering sky blue woolly squares on deep blue background. I carried my neck with grace on the two occasions I had worn it. This is its third outing.

I had had a mild running stomach. I had met a dead ATM on my attempt to withdraw money. And on top of it all, I had had to frantically struggle to maintain my calm at the roadside for twenty minutes or thereabout waving and barking down the taxi that would go my route. Now in the front seat of the destined cab cooling off, I got stuck in a traffic jam.

“Haven’t I had enough troubles,” I thought.

Then an extrovertish man, just coming down from his parked car, looked over the cab’s window at my treasured tie,

“I like your tie. It’s beautiful!” he opined.
“Thank you every much. Thank you very much.” I was all smiles.

And the aftereffect of the timely comment, which had evaded the attention of my family, friends and colleagues that had seen the tie on me, was very pleasant. It permeated every of my cells and defused all the troubles.

Never can tell the effect of a little act of appreciation you show or the small seed of joy you sow.

You need not be a crack comedian to crush frown; one simple or single compliment might just do.


Saturday, June 27, 2020

THE DAY I ALMOST DIED: my main concerns in the fleeting moment


…Then, a shout of wailing
Now, an eternal serenity
For man forgets too soon
The memory of the late…

The date was 25th of July, 2015. That date was remarkable too. It was the eve of the first birthday of my long-awaited son – our marriage waited without child seven years. I had boarded a car conveying me to my Ijebu-Ode base from work. A light shower had covered up a pothole at the foot of the sloppy section of the Sagamu-Ijebu-Ode Expressway near Babcock. Our cab fell into it and the ignition went off. Before the driver could struggle it out we got hit from behind by a galloping articulated truck. Viola! Our car got on the run, out of control of the driver, heading for disaster. We all in stunned silence sorrowfully waited where this evil momentum would land us.

At that moment I was not thinking of my wife or my son’s approaching birthday. I was not thinking of my church members or my work colleagues. I was not thinking of my relatives or fond friends. As the car conveyed us in fearful suspense to an uncertain end, only two things preoccupied my thought: "Is that all?" and "Will I make it?"

My concerns in the valley of shadow of death have two faces: what is behind me and what lies ahead of me.

Is that all - What is behind me!
No matter what you do or don’t do in life, you will have at least one or more persons to celebrate you when you are gone. But, what is more important is that who are those celebrating you and why are they celebrating you –  even the most wicked person will have sympathiser(s) or rather “praiser(s)” at his eulogy.

Who will miss you? That is the question. The society or your evil-wreaking accomplices, the church or your fornicating gang, your family or your concubines. It is about the “whos” and the “whys”. It is a serious matter. In fact, I tell you, the church, a right set of people, may hail a pastor at his death while his home, his immediate and most important constituency, will be hurling insults and abuses at him.

Life should be more than just numerical years and biological yields, but correct and long-lasting impacts.

Someone died and the local church had to arrange for Peter to come and try to raise her up. Whereas, someone else died and the church breathed a sigh of relief. Indeed, life is about making positive influence and impact on the right set of people.

Will I make it - What lies ahead of me!
Since 1994, I have shunned many vices and evil. I waste no time to repent, confess and forsake once the Holy Spirit brings any wrongdoing to my consciousness. Can I count the many worship services, bible studies, prayer meetings, fellowships, vigils, workers’ meetings, ministers’ meetings, EXCO meetings, seminars and workshops I have attended, and the tons of messages I have heard? I doubt. There is something at the back of mind for doing all of these. Definitely it cannot be something having to do with the life here. I have a mission. I have a goal. I have a target. It is to make heaven. I want to make heaven. So, when death came knocking, the question I found myself asking myself was: will I make it?

My concern is not only about my being celebrated here by the right set of people. I want heaven to celebrate me as well. They rejoiced when I was born-again. They should rejoice the more at my death when they fully receive me unto themselves as a saint triumphant.

This celestial celebration of life is about which of the spiritual realms will celebrate you at your death. Will it be the host of heaven or the host of hell? Will it be a triumphant entry into the heavenly Jerusalem or hell’s grand reception of another eternally lost soul into their fold? The choice is yours. And you can make the right decision right away and be sure you are on the path to heaven. The only way to be sure is the biblical way:

For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

THE LAST EMPIRE DAY: When The Swift Almost Lost Out


Concerning athletics, I was an all-rounder. Track or field event, I traversed all like the great Colossus of Rhodes. Not only that, when the events were eight, my own would be sixteen because I would run for both the junior and senior categories. I had one nickname that time – “Ehoro!” (Hare).

It was during 1957’s Empire Day. We were about to start the 400-yard race.

“On your mark!”

We crouched behind our lines.


My name filtered from the crowd behind. There must be something sinister about this.

At the annual inter-school Empire Day, the competition was always intense, both on and outside the field. Teachers from other village schools would often call to the officials to have my favoured height checked, cross-checked and double-checked. And the result was always the same:

“She could run in both categories”.

 And pupils of these other schools were not left out of the fierce battle as well; our teachers would have to guide me here and there because of some of them who often came to the field with charms.

“Get set!” the starter bellowed.

Hips were raised spoiling for action. But this fishy name-calling did not abate. Mysteriously, my body started reacting to it. I managed to look back. And there he was at a corner: the culprit was just in time ramming down the head of a padlock. No wonder my heavy body.


All the sprinters headed for the finish line. Not me. That would be a futile effort, I already knew. Instead, I dived for the boy. I held him tightly.

Immediately, the policemen surrounded us with the officials and the teachers. They ordered him to open the lock, collected the key from him and got him locked up in the station till we finished proceedings that day.

The officials cancelled the 400-yard event. We had a fresh race and I came first as usual.

I don't know how the news got to my grandmother at home. In no time she was on the field demanding I run no longer. It took the intervention of the teachers for her to let go. They had to assure her no harm would come my way, using Jesus' name as a surety. They begged her to go home but she insisted on staying on till the end.

Thank God it was our final year in school and invariably the last Empire Day I would partake in. All Saints' School, as usual, came first at the end of the day.

(Extracted from the memoirs of my mother, Mrs. Christianah Agbeke Soretire)

*Like that boy in one corner calling out Agbeke's name, the enemy is calling out our WEIGHTS and our SINS to ram us down, can we first settle these two matters before we settle for the race?*

(NLT) let us strip off every WEIGHT that slows us down, especially the SIN that so easily trips us up...  OR
(GNB) let us rid ourselves of EVERYTHING THAT GETS IN THE WAY, and of the SIN which holds on to us so tightly...  OR

...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (NKJV)

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the RACE IS NOT TO THE SWIFT... but time and chance happeneth to them all.

BE SOBER, BE VIGILANT; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
